Samkvæmt framtíðarspá Accenture munu hlutverk sem krefjast tæknikunnáttu aukast um 12% á næstu 5 árum. Á saman tíma segjast 82% vinnustaða þurfa að auka samstarfsgetu og hæfni starfsmanna á sviði persónulegar forystu til muna. Lykilfærni starfsmanna árangursríkra vinnustaða er hópstarf, samvinna, samskipti, getan til að leiða aðra til árangurs, ábyrgð, gagnrýnin hugsun, ákvörðunartaka, markmiðasetning, framkvæmd stefnu og nýsköpun. Þar kemur FranklinCovey við sögu á hverjum degi.
WHY THESE SKILLS As work becomes increasingly collaborative and task-based, social and relationship-building skills are gaining importance. These skills have always been in high demand among employers and are equally crucial to running a business.38 In fact, Accenture Research found that over the last seven years, communications and customer service skills have remained among the most desirable in job postings across the United States (Figure 7). With the rise of electronic communication and virtual workforces, these skills must be fine-tuned. Teamwork and collaboration will remain vital to success in the workplace. In his long-range analysis of successful teams, Alex Pentland at MIT persuaded workers to wear an electronic badge that monitored the tone and range of their interactions over time. The data suggested that the success of teams had much less to do with experience, level of education, gender balance or personality than with a single factor: “Does everybody talk to each other?”