Samkvæmt framtíðarspá Bain & Company (Labor 2030: The Collision of Demographics, Automation and Inequality) mun vaxandi slagkraftur sjálfvirknivæðingar endurmóta hagkerfi, breyta vinnumarkaði og breyta því hvernig flestar atvinnugreinar þróast. Við munum upplifa nýja tíma framleiðniaukningar og vaxtar markaða. Lykilfærniþáttur leiðtoga á þekkingaröld skv. Bain & Company er þrautseigja (resilience). Þeir vinnustaðir sem ná að stjórna vel breytingum og þjálfa fólk í nýrri færni munu vaxa og dafna. Þar kemur FranklinCovey við sögu alla daga.
The coming transformation will test leadership teams profoundly. Automation will reshape national economies, throw labor markets into turmoil and change the rules of the game in many industries. Aging populations will strain social systems as never before. But the 2020s will be a period of growth and innovation, too. Eventually, beyond the time horizon of this report, the global economy will recover from the temporary imbalances created by demographics, automation and inequality. As the labor force develops new skills, productivity gains will benefit a broader segment of the population, and new industries will flourish.
Getting there is the challenge. How should leadership teams set targets or goals if longtime assumptions are no longer valid? Clearly, there is no set formula for managing through significant macroeconomic upheaval. But there are many practical steps companies can take to assess how a vastly changed macroeconomic landscape might affect their business and how to position themselves for change. In our view, the most important one is building resilience. Organizations that can absorb shocks and change course quickly will have the best chance of thriving in the turbulent 2020s and beyond.